Thursday, August 26, 2010

Eden regained

I have now established my Chair in an altogether more salubrious location than that nest of vipers from which I am now departed. Believe me, I shall publish the full depths of their depravity in due course. Oh yes.

They attempted to hold some ceremonial benediction to mark my departure; of it I had nought. Red faces all round from the hypocritical assassins and fawning hierophants. 'Tis all they deserve.

My support staff have worked tirelessly to restore my office and papers, and my new apartment is more than sufficient. I am now in a condition of robust preparedness to launch into a new phase of path-breaking exegesis and analysis. I may drop a few tantalising crumbs here first so by all means study these 'pages' with due diligence.


  1. i cant belief peopul follow this guff i mean its not even proper inglish is it? theres like no celeb gossip or sports stuff for the boys & its all soooo boring. no like vids & stuff either

  2. If such are your tastes I suggest you decamp elsewhere to such places where the shallow delights you describe are plentiful and leave the heavy lifting to us.

  3. Indeed. One must pay a hefty membership fee to enter these portals and your application is found severely wanting.

  4. I do hear say that these techno boffins have developed a "fireball" or somesuch to prevent such gratuitously uncouth intrusions into our leisurely yet crucial debate. I wonder if you might consider getting one of them to fit one onto your computer? Of course, I'm sure you're aware of it and my presumption seems untoward, so please forgive my rashly impetuous suggestion.
