Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pestilence, I am discommoded.

I am afflicted by a tropical malady of the gravest nature. It had always been my considered view that such pestilences restricted their visitations to uncouth or unwashed personages, but it seems that I may be in error. It would appear that these microbial parasites are utterly undiscerning and may even choose to afflict the fastidious and morally upright.

I have never had to make so many urgent and non-negotiable appointments with la salle du bain, spending not inconsiderable time periods in the most disturbing if not explosive evacuations. It is most fortunate that I had the foresight to install quality porcelain, but then 'forward planning' has always been a passion of mine.

I have urgently consulted with various medical 'types' who have tried to reassure me that my malady is a typical if not low-level food infection but I simply will not be patronised or fobbed off by these uncultured persons. Such is the gravity of my confinement that I have been forced to contract an auxiliary nurse so that I may delegate ablutionary and cleansing duties to one more skilled in these distasteful duties. Meanwhile I must endure the most excruciating headaches (migraine for sure) and cramps that would gratify the most sadistic henchman of Torquemada himself.

Needless to say, I shall be hors de combat for the foreseeable future, but may snatch such pitifully fleeting moments of tranquility that I am allotted to continue with my most pressing duties at the cutting edge of the academic endeavor.


  1. What frightfully unfortunate events and mishaps! Wishing you fair wind for a most expedite recovery and return to your calling.

  2. I trust that you are well equipped with crisp white napkins for ablutionary necessities.

  3. Be a brave little soldier & take your medecine

  4. I do in a very real sense fear incursions from the Schismatic mischief-makers, seeking to trouble our afflicted host. Let us remain vigilant.

  5. Any updates dear fellow? We are all hanging upon the merest word that you are returned to robust good health.

  6. I am returned yet frail. Rejoice!

  7. So whither now, great leader?
