I am not, as a person, noted for any real sense of 'sociability'. This, let me hurry to add, does not suggest that I by any means eschew gatherings with like-minded, highly educated personages of the correct calibre and aesthetic sensitivity. Such coteries may be informative and even pleasant in the right circumstances.
No, I am in fact referring to those 'events' that one is coerced into attending for no other reason than to appear sociable in the eyes of such intemperate personages who really have no right to form such vexatious value judgements and seek to impose them on others. It is nothing short of moral blackmail of a most disarmingly insidious character and the extrication of self from such tangled entreaties leads one to set ones sail almost to the hither shores of creative mendacity.
At Christmas time such complex and abhorrent entrapments loom over the horizon with distressing frequency and urgency. As a confirmed bachelor I am more than contented with my own company, where at least I can be certain of a modicum of decorum and probity. But no, these snooping 'busybodies' feel it incumbent upon themselves to lure me into their ghastly 'sociabilities' without respite or decency. While I fully comprehend how my mere presence would lend some much-needed gravitas and dignity to their proceedings I must of course demur.
"You just cannot be alone at Christmas" they plead. Why ever not? If I wished to follow the swinish herd with their drunken kitsch boorish televisual 'viewing' and over-indulgent frightful lard-ridden foodstuffs then I surely would. (Though I could never, ever, bring myself to don one of those gaudy and horrible paper 'crowns' that seem so essential to such gatherings).
"Think of the children" they cry. Oh but I do. It is my adamant rule to never attempt any conversation with anyone younger than an advanced post-graduate student as it would be simply pointless to try to engage with such juveniles with obviously undeveloped politesse or accomplishment. I recoil with apoplectic horror at the prospect of being entombed with mewling screeching infants whose only discernible skill is to visit the bathroom to defecate with assistance or phonetically mutilate a traditional song whose roots pass their dimmest comprehension. Yet their parents regard such 'abilities' as somehow attractive and engaging and some even go so far as to inflict 'videos' of their brutish progeny performing such monstrosities upon a terrified captive audience. They even seem to view such 'abilities' in their brood as hard evidence of a breakthrough in human evolution to an altogether higher stage. I can think of no greater horror this side of Voltaire.
It has even been tangentially suggested that I hold a soiree of my own, keeping an iron grip upon the list of those invited under a set of stringent criteria of my own personal devising. But the risk of intrusive 'gate-crashers' is simply too great; I cannot bear the thought of them belching and expelling other noxious gases in my own dear home and leaving smeared fingerprints hither and yon, even upon my crystal goblettes. I would simply have to move, there really is no alternative, and the very thought is too stressful to bear.
Since Bangkok seems to boast no obvious Lutheran church where high ritual mingles with solemn liturgy, I shall perforce be spending Christmas alone once more. I will at least be able to dine upon acceptable viands brought in by bespoke 5 star hotels, listen to a decent Sibelius or even a Mahler should the whim strike me, and peruse the current crop of learned journals at my leisure. I can at least be certain that the napkins are crisply ironed and the silver service adequately polished to a lustre not dissimilar to the celebrated vembrace of Menelaus. I will need to check the sherry bottle to establish if it requires replenishment or even replacement after last years festivities but this is not a pressing matter. There is time aplenty to finesse the critical details as needs arise. And I will do so at my own leisure, under no compulsion from the howling pack of pleading coercers who may then go forth and mix with all and sundry, should that be their wish. But in the immortal lines of Ezra Pound "Leave me out, Buster".
Oh my dear fellow, you really must hop on a plane and spend the festive period with myself and my good lady wife (Mrs Lugubrious). You would be more than welcome to use the master bedroom and we have a mostly agreeably stocked larder.
ReplyDeleteI heartily concur with dear Lugubrious. You simply must accept his most hospitable invitation. 'Tis the season to be jolly, after all.
ReplyDeleteI do in no small measure wonder if I have not in any way made myself perfectly clear. What part of "Leave me out, Buster" do you fail to comprehend?
ReplyDeleteI do in no small measure wonder if I have not in any way made myself perfectly clear. What part of "Leave me out, Buster" do you fail to comprehend?
ReplyDeleteTo say it so vehemently, and twice. A cry for help?
ReplyDeleteConsidering our distinguished host, I would put forward the view that 'a cry for help' is far too simplistic. While hinting at a positively Dietrichian wish for solitude, there are also strong nuances of aversion to vulgarisms. The deep psychotherapeutic structures may be glimpsed in a robust distaste for juveniles, and it may be the case that Oedipal issues abound, at least in a subliminal catharsis of tremulens. So no, 'cry for help' falls wide of the mark. I tentatively suggest 'risk-aversion displacement activity' as a more thorough-going vehicle for probing the inner motives of genius.
ReplyDeleteAs an impetuous whelp I dabbled with Freud before maturing to the more advanced challenge of linguistics. But I do wonder whether what we are witnessing here is a case of a mighty Super Ego quashing the indulgence of a petulant Id? Could this possibly be an explanation for both our hosts most celebrated traits: fastidiousness and decorum?
ReplyDeleteWhile Freud offers some small insight on a narrow individualistic basis, Cognitive Behavioral Thererapy (CBT) provides a sounder, more holistic engagement. As a practised CBT facilitator myself, I urge our host to attend CBT holistic workshops with similarly afflicted persons. Here, in a mutually supportive and non-judgemental milieu, he may begin to address his sociopathic aversion to human interaction by learning from himself and the symptoms of others. More advanced sessions, such I have taken myself, take place in natural settings such as the Scottish islands where powerful confluences of leylines cleanse karmic burdens and rebalance the individual in the great All-In-All. This, I suggest, will greatly assist our host in retuning his energies to re-enter human society without aversion or delusion.
ReplyDeleteAh me, so many peturbences crowding our dear leader. I positively fret at the implications but send my heartfelt best wishes for a speedy recovery forthwith
ReplyDeleteThere certainly does seem to be enough straws in the wind to point to some deep-seated trauma. I do in fact wonder whether our distinguished host might not seek some professional guidance rather than invite analysis on this site?
ReplyDeleteIts his long silences that cause me fretful anxieties. I do begin to wonder if all is indeed well
ReplyDeleteAchilles sulking in his tent perhaps. Or deeper Schismatic machinations?
ReplyDeleteIt is perhaps too early to suspect nefarious Schismatic interventions for such a cunning linguist. I do in a very real sense feel that Our Dear Leader is immersed in some oeuvre of mind-shattering proportions that will easily make the centre-fold of PIST.
ReplyDeleteI am returned, and find myself not inconsiderably incandescant with a fury that would eclipse Hercules himself. I simply will not encourage in any way, shape or form this pop 'psychology' especially when it is brutally directed at my own person. I must insist, nay, demand that all participants on my PRIC maintain appropriately high levels of decorum or I fear that I may not in any small way be responsible for my actions, which shall border upon justified attrition and exile. Let me be quite clear, you have been warned.
ReplyDeleteOh my dear fellow, I tremble at your wrath, but please accept that the intentions of we, your acolytes, were well-intentioned and quasi-constructive in a very real sense. Please deign to gracefully accept our deepest apologies.